National Labor Management Cooperation Committee
The NLMCC (Powering America) is dedicated to establishing a quality connection between construction users and NECA contractors and their IBEW counterparts through industry information and important contacts.
Powering America consists of IBEW craftsmen and their signatory contractors, including National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) members, who are supported by the electrical training ALLIANCE. Powering America provides the industry with the talent needed to perform the critical duties of an electrician.
Partners in Progress: IBEW and NECA
Electricity is a vital component of the American economy – and the American way of life. From the power that heats and lights our homes, runs our factories and drives giant machinery to the power that protects our armed forces – and ensures our national security – the Powering America team supplies the determined, dependable talent –both craftsmen and their managers– that all this critical work requires. The breadth of the Powering America team’s skills and abilities stretches from complex lighting, datacom, telecom and building automation systems to working on high-voltage transmission and distribution lines.
Local Labor Management Cooperation Committee
The purpose of the LLMCC is:
to improve communications between representatives of Labor and Management;
to provide workers and employers with opportunities to study and explore new and innovative joint approaches to achieving organizational effectiveness;
to assist workers and employers in solving problems of mutual concern not susceptible to resolution within the collective bargaining process;
to study and explore ways of eliminating potential problems which reduce the competitiveness and inhibit the economic development of the electrical construction industry;
to sponsor programs which improve job security, enhance economic and community development, and promote the general welfare of the community and industry;
to engage in research and development programs concerning various aspects of the industry, including, but not limited to, new technologies, occupational safety and health, labor relations, and new methods of improved production;
to engage in public education and other programs to expand the economic development of the electrical construction industry;
to enhance the involvement of workers in making decisions that affect their working lives; and,
to engage in any other lawful activities incidental or related to the accomplishment of these purposes and goals.
to ensure that those working under this Collective Bargaining Agreement have the opportunity for continuing education directly related to the electrical industry through the TEJATP, IBEW, NECA and other means available.
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